Our new banner which went on display outside our church this past weekend contains a quote from John chapter 11 – ‘I am the resurrection and the life’. It is a reminder that not only did our Lord Jesus Christ come to earth to willingly die on a cross for us, it is also a reminder that if we believe in Him then we too can have everlasting life.
The sunflowers also remind us that it is now summer (although I’m not sure you’d know that from the weather we’ve had recently), and that despite the uncertainty which surrounds regarding Coronavirus we have a God who loves us and who cares for us. We have a God in whom we can place our trust, if we invite Jesus into our lives then He will be with us no matter what is going on, through the good times and the bad times. When we are sure of what surrounds us and when we simply don’t know where to turn. God will be there.
Just as a sunflower turns its face towards the sun during the day, I would urge you to turn your face upwards, towards the Son. Talk to Him, and allow Him to give you life. Allow Jesus to shine His light, His life upon you, and may He bring you His peace.