Jesus Light to the World
Here is the video of our Christmas Day Celebration 2020.
Bble Passages:
- John 3: 16
- John 1: 9
To talk, walk and share Jesus, inviting others to meet Jesus and live the Jesus way.
Here is the video of our Christmas Day Celebration 2020.
Bble Passages:
Here is a link to our Christmas Eve Communion Service.
Bible Passages:
Here is the video of this morning’s service, Sunday 20th December 2020.
Bible Passages:
Here is the video of this morning’s service, Sunday 13th December 2020.
Bible Passages:
Here is the video of this morning’s service, Sunday 6th December 2020.
Bible Passages:
We’re now in one of the most important seasons of the Christian year, Advent, a time when we remember that God sent his Son to earth, born as a baby boy in a stable in Bethlehem. We celebrate Jesus’ birth, we celebrate the Saviour of the world coming to earth as an ordinary human baby.
As we gear up to celebrate Christmas in this most difficult and strangest of years, we pray that everyone will be filled with hope and joy. We pray that God will give you a peaceful, love-filled, joyous Christmas.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace. Romans 15:13.
Here is the video of this morning’s service, Advent Sunday, 29th November 2020.
Bible Passages: